This cartoon blog presents a graphic version of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations. A picture says a thousand words? At the very least, more entertaining than Cliff Notes.
Merriam-Webster definesprosperity as the condition of being successful; especially: economic well-being.
But in practice, prosperity refers to more than just the number on a bank account. What about freedom? How can a value be placed on happiness?
Why are some societies more "prosperous" than others? What market and government institutions facilitate growth, and what practices hinder expansion? Does equality deserve a place in the discussion? At what point does fairness get compromised?
Who am I?
I am Emmy Liss, a junior political science concentrator, currently enrolled in "Prosperity: The Ethics and Economics of Wealth Creation." Through course readings, class discussions and outside sources, I hope to explore these interdisciplinary and thought-provoking questions.
If you agree with my reasoning, please comment. If you think I am entirely wrong, please comment. My goal with this project is to facilitate discussion.
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