While I hope my semester grade will be determined based upon the blog in its entirety, below are links to the posts that I think most embody the course material and my analysis.
- "One man's recession is another's…" Feb. 17
- "The games we play," Feb. 20
- "Unwrapping an impoverished nation," Feb. 22
- "Come on, get happy," Feb. 25
- "Was life better in black and white?" Mar. 5
- "The games we play — part II," Mar. 15
- "Manning up to the law," Mar. 26
- "Staying connected," Mar. 31
- "No pay, no gain," Apr. 10
- "Girl power," Apr. 14
- "The short of it," Apr. 18
- "A coffee or a child?" Apr. 20
- "Mind the (age) gap," May 17
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